
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Measuring Time

Today at maths we were measuring time this activity is a little hard for me because I forgot how many minutes are in an hour my mum told me to look at the clock so I can find out how many minutes are in an hour so I started counting using my 5 times table but I can figure it out quickly by answering 5x12 = 60 then my mum told me to answer this easy question, this question was to half 60 then my mum told me that whatever is the answer to that it was the same answer to the minutes at the activity so I ran to my Chromebook and wrote the answer then I was done, after that I was able to blog my work then I will describe how it was a little hard for me.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Digital Time

Today at maths it was really easy for me all we need to do is to write the answer below the clock but the answer you need to write is how you say the clock in a different way like, quarter past or half past and quarter to, that how you are going to answer it but not all of it have one of does some of them have this ones,E.g. you have 1:35 this is how you can say it in different way 35 past 1,now I am finish with my work I need to blog it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Learning how to tell time

Today at April 22 we did maths this maths is a little hard for me to figure out because it's confusing me but I try my best so even when it's hard I'll give it a try when I answer the last one I thought it was wrong but when I double check it, it was actually right so I blog it and showed it to my mum so she knows that I am done.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Fishing is fun even without teeth

Splish! Splash! Goes rowboat on the beautiful lake. On that rowboat there were two old men. It was a nice hot sunny day. They think it's a good time for fishing. So they go to the beautiful lake where everyone loves to go. They were having some quiet time, when the man sneeze (aaaa choo!)The second man was laughing at him because his false teeth fell out, but the false teeth landed on the edge of the boat The man was angry at him because he was laughing. And so he grabbed it with a bang then they both knew that it fell out of the boat and it would go to the bottom of the lake. There was no way to get it because they were tired and they didn’t bring extra clothes. But the second man was laughing so much and he couldn’t stop but then he caught something. He was happy except for his friend. He was ignoring him even though he caught a fish. The second man had an idea to be silly. He put his false teeth in the fish’s mouth. He thinks that it will cheer his friend up so he showed it to him. The man was shocked, he thought it was his false teeth so he grabbed it and put it inside his mouth but it didn’t fit him so he threw it to the lake. The second man was upset because his friend throw away his false teeth so they ignored each other and kept on fishing now both of them have no false teeth THE END.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Telling the time

Today we did maths our was really simple but while our teacher was asking us question it was hard at first but when I was listening carefully I began to found out that it was really easy after all, then our teacher said to do this activity this activity was really easier then the question that the teacher ask us because we just need to put the picture of what time it is. First the teacher said to press this picture that said Teaching Clock so it can help us when we are done with that the teacher said to screen shut the clock so we can put it here when we've done that we need to blog it then the teacher said to publish it.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Pigeon Impossible

At Washington D.C. there was a Secret agent walking across the road. He wasn't looking carefully where he was going. The car almost hurt him, luckily the driver stopped and let him pass. He was in a hurry to meet someone with a briefcase.

The secret agent was really focused that he din't see a tree right in front of him. He was kind of clumsy so he kept on walking then he saw another agent that was holding a briefcase to give it to him so he walked beside him so nobody would see them.

When he got it he sat down on a bench and took a bite of a bagel then the briefcase scanned his hand to open it. While a pigeon flew down and was looking at the agent with a bagel. That pigeon looks hungry so the agent take a little piece of it and throws it to the ground so the pigeon can eat it but the pigeon  ignores the little piece of bagel and focuses on the big one. The agent was surprised by the pigeon but the agent was a little cross to him so the pigeon attacked him, the agent tried to get him off but he threw the bagel instead.

When he threw it the pigeon flew towards it but the pigeon stopped and landed at the briefcase lid. The pigeon was so heavy that it made the briefcase fall to the ground when it landed. The pigeon was trapped inside it, the agent looked where that noise came from and tried to grab the briefcase.

While the pigeon was trapped there he was looking around and he saw some buttons that were glowing so he pressed it then something opened the pigeon couldn't press it. He moved a long but the pigeon did not notice that there was a controller beside his foot when he moved it the briefcase scared the agent by jumping without even noticing the pigeon was messing around with the controller the briefcase was stumbled everywhere. It even chased a lady. That lady was screaming really loud that everyone in that area heard her, then the briefcase stopped chasing her and then the pigeon pressed something and it pulled out a laser gun and it almost hit the agent. Luckily he dodges it and hides beside that restaurant to be safe.

The pigeon thinks it was fun so he smashed his head a couple of time. He thinks the other buttons were very cool so he pressed some more then the briefcase showed a rocket booster at the back of it then it flew up in the air to shoot  more lasers.

Then the agent saw the same bagel that he was eating earlier he grabbed it because that might be the only way to stopped the pigeon, he ran at the middle of the road beside that car that have been blown up he put the bagel to the air so the pigeon could see it then the briefcase was looking at him so he had a plan his plan was he will put the bagel next to the fire the agent was putting the bagel on fire.

He tried putting the bagel on fire slowly so the pigeon controlled the briefcase to go to the ground, then the pigeon tried to come out of the briefcase and take a peek at him. The agent told the pigeon to come and grabbed it.

Then the pigeon was happy but the pigeon was still a little terrified of him. The pigeon go inside and pull out an weapon at him so the agent listen and try putting the bagel at the ground but instead he throw it up the pigeon look up to look at the bagel then the agent grabbed the pigeon and pull him out of there so he won't press anything but the bagel drop at the red button that is inside the briefcase then it say alert on the screen that when he knew the rocket was going to blow up at Moscow,Russia.

He was surprised. He look at the other agent that gave him that briefcase he was shocked then he look back to the agent then he began to be cross with him for doing that so he grabbed the briefcase and use it to get closer to that rocket so he can destroy it but the pigeon flew in front of him and block the laser gun then there was nothing to do but to open the briefcase so he press the scanning button to his hand to open it then the bagel fell out, the pigeon was happy so  the pigeon flew down to eat it then the agent shoot at the rocket ship but the laser gun was out of gas so he use the mini rocket bomb to blow it up so he press the button and shoot at it.
Kaboom?! then he landed carefully right where the agent met the pigeon he was happy because he stop the bomb from exploding then he put his sunglasses on and ignore the pigeon the pigeon was pulling the bagel but he couldn't so he just ate it, while the agent was walking away he didn't saw the broken piece of the rocket.

Clank Then the pigeon was dead because one of the rocket pieces fell at the top of the pigeon.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Gemstone card kit

At March 28 our mum give us this gemstone card kit when I look at it it was amazing and it was sparkling, me and my siblings were so exited to do one of those then mum told us to pick one for our self when we were done picking our own one mum told us not to open it yet because we need to eat first and then we can open it by the time we were done eating our food dad told me and my sister to clean at the kitchen luckily for my sister she gets to do it way faster then I am because she have done way more cleaning than me, when she was done she saw our little brother wasn't opening the gemstone card kit because mum told them to wait for me so I quickly finish my chores and ran to the living room, then mum ready her phone to picture us doing it Then my sister ask me if I can help her to move the table so she can do it and look at the TV to watch movies when mum said we could start we open it and read the instructions so we should know what to do it was getting late so our little brother go to sleep we were still doing our one but it was the time for our mum to go to work so she gets ready we were waiting for her so we can say good bye, before they left our brother was getting sick he was very hot so our mum told her boss that she can't go to work because our little brother were very ill so she stay at home and take care of him then he woke up and ask mum if he can do what we were doing and our mum agree to him so we do it all day then he felt tired again and goes to sleep we were still do it until I saw the time we were almost done and the time was 1:27 am so we put it away and go to sleep, at the next day I woke up 8:39 am at the morning then we clean our bed and go and eat breakfast when we were done eating I carry on doing my gemstone card kit even my siblings were doing the same has me then it was afternoon and I was the first one who was finish doing it then I realise that I forgot to blog it so I kept as a secret when it was April 2 my mum told me to blog about the gemstone card kit so I started blogging it at April 3 and finish at April 4.   

Friday, April 3, 2020

Letter to my Future self

Dear future me,

Today is 26/2/2020.  I am 10 years old and I'm in year 6. I have a lot  of  favourite things to do at school. I love to read book. My favourite subjects are Maths and Writing. I have learned to use my Chromebook where I can do a lot of work online. Playing soccer is what I really like to do with my friends. I could ride my scooter everywhere but my dad keeps worrying. it's funny to think because I'm already 10, he should trust me.

But what I really like the most is to watch TV at home. My favourite song is Did I mention by Mitchell hope and Jeff Lewis.

My favourite sweet is a chocolate bar. I always ask my mum if I could have one but she says no. I know, it's not good for our teeth especially if we have it before bedtime. Someday, I will have a puppy, I hope I could learn how to take care of it.
When I grow up I might be a police officer or a soccer player. Whatever happens in my future, one thing for sure that will never change, my madness on KFC chicken!

Truly yours,