
Monday, May 18, 2020

The Box

One upon a time there was an old man named Ben. He was worried all morning
about the mouse in his house. He really wanted to get rid of him because he didn't
want an animal to live in his house. So he made a plan to trap the little
chubby mouse. 10 minutes later, knowing that he is ready, it is time for him
to hide so the mouse couldn't see him.

It was 12:30 pm. That was the time to trap the mouse
but Ben wanted to check first if Tom the mouse would come out.
He was really waiting for Tom to come, then he heard Tom's tiny footsteps.
When Tom came out on his little passageway, he was really hungry.
So he sniffed for food then he ran towards the
kitchen table to grab some yummy snacks
but when Tom heard Ben breathe heavily he stopped climbing and
looked at the furniture. Luckily Ben hid as quick as he could, but he
on until he made it to the top.

He was proud of himself to find this old apartment because it has all he
needs, out he didn't realise that Ben was setting a trap for him but while
Tom was walking towards it he saw it but he don't know what it is so he go and
check if its safe then he go inside it Ben was very happy for a second because
the box haven't closed yet but he wait and wait then it finally closed, 2 minutes later, he
started dancing with a huge smile on his face he was really
happy that his trap worked.

He realised that what is he going to do with Tom? He was upset because
he doesn't have a place to go anymore because he is about to kick him out
of his house but he thought to himself what can go wrong if I leave him outside?
Then he saw the box moving so he stopped it and grabbed a newspaper so that
Tom would not escape from the bottom.
Then he opened the window and placed him outside
the window so he could open the box.

He open the box and then he heard a stray cat say [Meowing loudly] then he
close it again and put to his table, that night he was staring
at the box the whole time then he was thinking something he thinks that Tom can't
breath so he go to the kitchen the thing that he grab was really sharp
then he put it in the air and smash it to the box but the box
wasn't really smashed he just put holes on it.

He realise that he needed some food to give to Tom, and also
some water but when Ben give it to him he throw it out of the
box when he check the box and open it he saw Tom looking
cross but he gave him the small piece again but he ignored it but
when Ben grab the piece he show Tom that he will finish all the food
and show him that it's yummy and delicious.

Tom was sad because he ate it but Ben magic it back to his hand and then
Tom was very surprised to see it then Ben put it close to Tom and Tom
was very happy so he grabbed it and bring it where he was
standing and eat it, Ben was proud of what he did and he thinks that
Tom will allowed him to pet him at the back but Tom was terrified so he ran
away from him then Ben was sad because all he
wanted was a friend.

2 hours later, Ben was sleeping in his chair with the TV on, not off
and leaving some crumbs just in case Tom wanted to eat them, then
Tom came back! And maybe he smelled those crumbs he ran
quietly to not wake him up when he grabbed the food
then he looked at Ben like he was going to say thank you so when
Tom was walking away then Ben opened his eyes and saw him living with
the crumbs then he slept a nice and peacefully. THE END

Soar story

Ones upon a time there was a 10 year old girl name Marry she loves making mini aeroplane to
fly and her dream was to become a pilot when she was about to fly it she needs to go on
the mountain not far from her country just outside to the field she was very excited
to fly it to the sky so she put all of her stuff at the table and threw her aeroplane to the
sky when it was at the air it fall down she thinks that there's something wrong with
it so she brings it at the table when she takes a look at her paper to see if something wrong with it.

She thinks it's pretty cool but the wind came and tried to fly the paper away luckily Marry stopped it.
She was really upset when it failed. When she dropped it something fell on her head. It was a mini
bag and it was so cute. She looked at it closely and she realised who it belongs to.
And why did it fall from the sky when she was about to grab it a flying machine fell down the
sky and scared her, then she wondered why everything was falling from the sky. She was really
shocked because when she looked very closely at the flying machine then she saw
something that no one has seen before.

She was shocked to see him he was a miniature boy and also he was really cute but
when it got out of his aeroplane he ran towards the tiny backpack he was trying to
pull it but it stop and looked at Marry like she was a giant monster, he was really
scared that he picked up her pencil and try to scare her with it but she wasn't scared, but she
was staring at him even if he moves in front of the bag so she take a picture of him then she saw
him trying to go back to his flying machine with the tiny bag.

Jack was pulling his very heavy bag closer to his flying machine then when he got there
he pull his flying machine down when it was moving it did fall but it broke he was really
upset so he tries to fix it but then he look at the sky and he began to feel really sad Marry
look to then she was surprised to see so many of them then she realise that he needs to
go back to his family then Jack tried to call them so they can help but they were very high
to hear him then he looked at Marry again Marry was upset as well but then she realise
that the miniature boy was looking at her again.

Jack move backwards slowly so she wouldn't get him but he fell down to the ground then he saw the pencil and lift it up to point at her but Marry tried to tell him to not be scared then she think, then she have a plan but first she needs to grab her pencil then she put it on Jack's blowing wheel from the flying machine then he realise that she is a creature too so she put more and tape them together Jack thinks her idea was great so they tested it, but first Jack needed to checked the where to fly it then Marry needs to ready the rope the rope was the engen so it will spin.

It was all ready so Marry pull the rope out it was working for a second then it pop right out but then she have a brand new idea, she thinks that putting her aeroplane mix with Jack´s flying machine will work but this time Jack wasn't sure if that will work but they want to try so Marry threw it to the air it was flying but something went wrong with it he was happy for a moment then it falls.

Marry was really worried and hope his OK when Jack pop out feeling dizzy like he is about to throw up, then he look back and saw they were getting far and far away then he look at her if she have more ideas but she have no more then Jack feel like he want to sit alone upset Marry thinks that she would do the same thing, then the wind came and blow her paper close to her she hold it really hard that the wind comes again and blow it it almost block her face but the paper gives her a great plan she connected it to the flying machine and she is going to pull the flying machine like a kite, but still Jack was scared again because he thinks he is going to fall.

So Marry started to pull and walk then when she looks back the flying machine was flying Jack look if he is floating and he was very proud of her as he is getting higher and higher Marry let go of the rope then Jack began to be happy again as he made it where his family were he was very glad Marry help him and know they are altogether it is time for them to do the star ceremony to rise that's why the bag was so heavy because inside it was the star he was ready to rise it to the air then they push it to the sky then the others did the same when it was time for Marry to go back home she notice a bright light then she look up and saw stars glowing like someone open it.

Alvin has a plan to show who put all the stars by pointing a direction that will make the star blink then she was happy. THE END

Friday, May 15, 2020

Harry Potter follow up activities Wk5

At May 11 we did a follow up activities but some of the slides are really hard for me because I always forgot what to do with the activity so I have more work to finish then when I am done i´ll blog it.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Dust buddies story

One Bright sunny day inside a riches house there was a dust bunny using a paperclip to fish for broken
crackers he was really happy that he got it but then
his friend came behind him and scare him he was so scared that the
cracker slip out of his hand and fell to the ground, but then
he began to smile at him because he was his friend while
they were looking at each other the dark grey saw the cracker in front of them
then he grabbed it and ate all.

He was happy to taste and eat it but not the light grey dust buddy because he was about to eat that but
the other dust buddies saw some more crackers at the middle of the living room and the dining room they
were very glad to see a lot of
crackers at the ground that they started to eat them but not the
light grey buddy because his really scared to go and eat
with them so the dark grey buddy show him that it's OK to eat with
others but he was still very scared, then other dust buddies look at him and started to make
fun of him for being scared he was really sad and lonely.

He was really sad that he hide at the big table because he heard something at the front door it was the
cleaning lady and she brought a vacuum cleaner to clean the house, it was really terrifying for them to see
but he needed to warn the other buddies so they will be safe but they didn't believe him but when they look
at her they were really scared they tried to run away but the cleaning lady manage to get them all sucked in the vacuum cleaner but one of them survive he wanted to save them but he needs a plan to get inside without her holding the vacuum so he looked straightly to the plug then he began to roll towards it he uses his paperclip to make himself jump to the plug to unplug it after that the vacuum went off and stop the lady from cleaning.

The light grey buddy was really happy because he had a chance to save them all so he ran inside the vacuum cleaner and found them inside all of them was all broken so he put there body back to normal when he got his friend fix they realise that they need to help the others so they put them into there bodys and told them to get out of here so when they got all of them they got out, when they got out the light grey buddy was in trouble because the cleaning lady plug it in, but the dark grey buddy wont let that happen so he pull him so he will be free when they saw the others were hiding the dark grey buddy thinks they will do the same thing so he hold the light grey buddy's hand and pull him towards the others but the light grey buddy stop and told him that they need to stop the cleaning lady so they think of an idea to do something to her.

The lady stand up and turn around and then she was shocked to see the dust buddies but she was cross so she walk towards them but both of them turn on the vacuum cleaner but the lady have a weapon too her weapon was a duster so she move closer but the vacuum shake and it moved really fast that it spin around the lady and make her trip over then the dust buddies sucked her in the vacuum cleaner and then there was no more cleaner when the others saw them they were sorry for making fun of him saw they give them the big piece of the crackers from earlier, then they were very glad but the lady inside the vacuum cleaner was very angry but the dust buddies throw the vacuum outside so they don't need to worry about anything cause the lady was gone.
                                            THE END

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

24 Hour Time

Today for maths we learned how to tell time in 24 hour and I was really easy because you can just turned the 1:00 pm to 13:00 pm and count the rest of the number except for 12:00 pm because the 24 hour time for that is 00:00 pm so its a little hard and confusing sometimes but it was still easy to do and then I manage to finish it fast then I blogged it.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Measuring Time-Calendars

At May 6 we did maths, our maths was talking about calendars when the teacher told us to make a copy of it we started to do our work when the hangouts was all over I was still on my work, my work was kind of hard for me but I carry on working when I thought I was already done my teacher comment on my work, she said that I missed out a page so I go on it to check it out and some of the question I don´t understand so I ask my teacher to help me what to do with the question, then I finish all of it.

The Lighthouse to the rescue

One stormy day there was a lighthouse on the edge of the town by the water and a really small village it was a cause they get to stay inside, but inside the lighthouse there was a old man living by himself he was really lonely and no one is their to talk to him even when he is lonely he can still help the boat from getting back to the village. The lighthouse keeper was doing his plan to make something good but the noises from the village was annoying him so he shut the window and continue with his work then he heard something [clink clank] then he noticed that the lighthouse light was shut down he was worried because the boat was going to crash at the lighthouse and it's going to crash the edge of the cliff, then he grabbed his lantern to see what was wrong. When it was shut down the people who was at the village notice the lighthouse was broken the lighthouse keeper was in a hurry that he slip down to the floor then he stand up and ran to the stairs, when he gotten up there he saw his machines was all krankie and stuff so he went up to the light and try to look what was going on before he went up he grabbed his toolbox to fix it. When he got there he saw the boat getting closer to the lighthouse so he take off his light and try to repair it, but it was too heavy that he didn't see his toolbox behind him so he slip again and drop the light, their was not much time left to fix it he thinks he have fail the village so he went down his lighthouse and open the door, he was about to go to the village to tell them what had happen then he saw the people from the village holding a lantern to help him so he let them in and altogether spread the light to the village and the boat, then all of them was saved.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Catching it

One and hot shiny morning. Inside the cave full of meerkats they live at the desert with not much trees but a lot of rocks, when the leader of the meerkats was awake he started to look outside the cave to see if it's OK to come out then when the other meerkats woke up they knew that their leader was done checking outside, the other meerkats started to take a look outside the same thing has what their leader did they do that just to double check if it safe to come out, when they were done checking they jump out of there caves and run towards the tree that had one fruit left for them to eat they were also taking care of it until it's time to eat it, so they climbed the tree to see if it's still very good first they need to smell it.

Then they climbed down to look at it the whole afternoon, but something ruined their concentration so they ran all the way back to their caves to see who or what was disturbing them when they were looking at the fruit, when they look clearly at it they realise that it was a vulture they were scared of his sharp claws and his scary looking eyebrows it was darker than any vulture had ever seen before.

When the vulture landed safely to the tree he was surprised to see a lot of meerkats he was wondering why are they looking at him like that the vulture knew why there were so scared because they think the vulture is going to eat the fruit, so the vulture grabbed the fruit with his sharp claws and flew away laughing at them, but the meerkats wasn't going to let the vulture take it so they went to get it back.

The meerkats was really fast that they could stopped him but the vulture was flying higher than a crazy little meerkat thought it was a great idea to get it by jumping to the vulture's claw but the vulture pushes him off but he was still OK, then they all do it they were jumping to his claw one by one it got a little heavy for the vulture and couldn't fly nicely so he try to shake them all but they wouldn't let go off the vulture's claw. The vulture was getting annoyed with them so he let go of the fruit to get them off then one of the meerkat caught it and hug it the vulture was looking at the meerkats to see who got the fruit, when the vulture saw it he went down to get it back but the meerkats was keep on passing the fruit to each other so the vulture couldn't get it by the time they past it to the last person the vulture got it but the vulture miss and dropped it to the ground but the vulture wouldn't like the fruit to be smash so he flew down to get it, when he got it back the meerkats was doing a acrobatic on his back but the vulture stop flying so they can come off but the vulture wasn't looking where he was going so he smashes his face at the side of a cliff that's when the meerkats realise that he drop the fruit so one of them get but the fruit went over him, then three meerkats saw it coming their way so they team up to catch it then they started to past it to each other one of them was having so much fun that he kicked it higher to the sky and fly all the way to those two trees that looking like the one on T.V then they scored but when they look at the fruit it was smashed to the ground. The End

The vulture has a evil face and it
has a scary looking. And these are the Meerkats that is always silly and
loves to play around and very cute.