
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The missing gingerbread house

I finish doing clue 3 by using my times table but first I times the questions with one of them like 8 times 7=56 so I do it to the others it was so easy at first but answering number 2 so I write the answer but when I remember I need to write thief on it so I find out that the sentence is? The thief is not a visitor.
after that I check clue 4 and check the age and the shapes when I check carefully I knew that she is not an adult so I write the thief is a child, but I still don´t know what is the shape so I started with the name, I check the word old and the number at the side was 7 so I check if there a 7 year old at the name list it even says that it is not a visitor so it is a contestant so I check and there´s only one 7 years old so I write the name Irena Vicks so that´s how I finish the missing gingerbread house

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Keeping us safe at the internet

Hello reader, today I am going to help you how to be safe at an internet, If you find anything that had been send to you in your email like a friend send you post you have to check if there writing is wrong, and if there write dear friend you could know that is not your friend and if there are your friend they need to right there real name. Have a good check and make sure you have a lock on it at the top so you know that it is yours or your friend but If you see a sign warning make sure you check and scam it, but if you can't scam it or anything but that then just tell someone and report it.
Even if you're on google.if you saw a picture of a food or a things you want you need to take a look and make sure you report it, don't go with them and don't give them your information and Make sure you are safe.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Blog post:Definition of...




Rounding each Number to the nearest tenth

This morning at math the multiplication group were doing rounding up each number to the nearest tenth it was really hard so me and Enzo was just thinking but I was working so hard but I still can't do it so we came down to the teacher and ask her for help.
So we work to understand it but it came out really easy so I finish it and show it to the teacher and to glue it at my book and blog it and I will be finish.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Putting Ladybirds in the boxs

I worked out the problem by putting the ladybirds in the box and only put 2 ladybirds in a row because it could make it easier after that I count the column and if I saw a 3 ladybirds are together I will change it, then if you are done checking it again and again until you got it.
If you use your imaginations those ladybirds would look like birds flying or an umbrella.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tea Cup

       These tea cups makes me feel to drink a lot of tea. Why? Because it made me think and rethink on how to arrange these.
      In the first row I made a set of tea cups with same colour blue, red, green and white.
 I have picked red cup next from first blue followed by green and white in the 2nd row.
Green ,white ,blue and red are in the row 3. And in the 4th row white, blue,  red and green are in.
When I checked again , I realised that I have made a pattern in diagonal way or slanting.
On the first group , 1 blue cup. 2 red cups, 3 green cups, 4 white cups.
And go back to blue with 3 cups , 2 red cups and 1 green cup.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Loki's forest map

Yesterday I did loki's forest map when I did it it was good and easy at the start  but it gotten harder at the end, I can feel my hands burning and my fingers was tired at touching the keyboard but I steel done it. After the activities I need to blog it then I need to save and that's all

Decision Making Tree

Today we did making ourselves safe other people was talking about the other stuff but today we did this, it was hard thinking about what is our decision but we need to write the bad decision too but it took me 2 minutes to finish it so after doing that I started writing about it in my blog and then I am done and show it to my teacher Miss W.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sumner Surfing!

 On Friday we went on a Surfing trip.The bus left at 8:30 am so we need to come at school early so that we never miss the bus, but when we get to the bus the other bus wasn't there yet so we waited then the bus came the other people was on the bus but Miss W home  room was waiting for the bus to came, but when we live the school we were in the traffic it was really boring so I just play with Tyler but he was laughing at Lucas because he was sleeping in the bus. When the bus stop at Sumner beach we got off and walk to the shed to put away our bags then the teacher said that we need to sit down at the mat, then the teacher introdust the surfers were cool and amazing they talk to ask about surfing and dangerous stuff at the sea

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Today we competed in our school athletics competition. My favourite events were long jump because it shows me were am I and how far did I go. I did the best in the long distance but I was the last one. I found it hard to do the high jump because every time that I try my best it keep on going bad but I am trying to practise to be ready for next year athletics so I will be good.👌

Monday, November 4, 2019

Friday, November 1, 2019

Today we did Te reo maori, we need to write te or a in the sheet - te if it is a thing and a if it is someone's name. Every one propost to be done causeit was easy after that you blog it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Working out what's the answers on sixteen paper

I work it out by going down ways and side way it was easy cause I use my times table.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

St Andrews Fun day!

On Friday some leaders from St Andrews school came to South Hornby. They ran some activities for us including Jump Jam, marshmallow towers, multi sport, play dough, ping pong catapult, paper planes it was a lot of fun I thought were going to do all of the activities but not I love when they give me a prize then I make a fox that is a plane but it did not work

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


This afternoon we were doing zones of regulations drawing. It first started out with watching clips first clip was happy then the others after that we get into 3 me and groups went into the wet space it was loudly but we ignored it, then we stared doing our ideas I was not listening so I started to focused we try to finish it because we need to blog it Tyler was helping me to picture cause I forgot how but I don´t think I will be finish then I was.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Line Graph -Blogger

Today we've been working on line graph. Line graph is a graph that you have to put  dots on how many fans in everyday then you have to put a straight line on the dots. It is hard because you have to put the dots and the line on the right order after that you have to stick your paper into your math book , then you write what did you did today.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.